Patrick Bateman: Mythicthatdoesnothing is awesome, could it be good in a new control deck? It only costs six and is almost as good as a titan. All you have to do is sacrifice 8 creatures, discard your hand and and exile all nonland cards from your library and you have a 6/6 for 3!
John Roberts: No Patrick, you are in fact very wrong. Titans are just better but here are four paragraphs about the subject anyway... [SEE MORE]
Stephen McAleer: That's what she said!
Michael Radford: I'm not sure, but it could be pretty good in limited.
Michael Boon: Cn i boro four of them 4 FNM this week?
Alistair Kennedy: Something something Legacy something something.
Stephen McAleer: Okay, but seriously, this card could be okay if there's a deck that wants to remove all its relevant spells and empty its hand quickly whilst discarding its hand. Grave Titan is probably better, but Mythicthatdoesnothing might see a little play.
Andy Mather: It's not great but i guess we have to do the best we can with what Wizards gives us ^^
Owen Debenham: You're all wrong.